Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Twitter Conversations with Tracy

So, I'd like to say that I probably started this.  And the reason this started is because...I found some moonshine in my freezer.  So, I took to Twitter to ask my friend Tracy.  And then...the convo QUICKLY went to the left.  It started like this:

Pretty normal, right?  When Tracy answers...things are NEVER normal.  NEVER.  I don't know why I failed to realize this.  

This is what she answers me back with: 

So, I decided to say this: 
Because err'one knows black folks lovededed Boone's Farm back in the day, right? LMAO!!!  She said:

Tracy is a damn THUG!!!  Thug Life out this bish!!!  

Then, Ms. Chocl8t got into the act and...made me hang my head. 
Yes.  This is my life.  

So, we continue the conversation and then Tracy started talking about the 3 times she drank moonshine.  This was the last time: 

I would say that I need better people, but the ones that are currently in my life are HYSTERICAL!!!


  1. Cece says: Well this explains why Tracey wants to knit vagina potholders.

  2. I was so busy today I missed all of twitter...

    I love and hate Tracy!!!

  3. At a family reunion some uncles from the South brought up some 'shine. Our 1st dachshund would sneak a sip from my aunt's cup every time she would sit it down beside her chair. Let's just say we had to launch a puppy intervention.

    And Tracy? ROFLMBAO!!


  4. Back in high school, one of the guys snuck in a bottle of moonshine and let his friends sip off it right before lunchtime. ALL those fools were asleep or passed out at the end of the day. Needless to say I ain't touched it........yet.

    Boone's is that drink - don't get it twisted!

  5. so what exactly constitutes moonshine?

  6. Lord have mercy!!! (@No_Cut_Card)
